ZHANG Tuosheng: Three-Way Balance

September 16 , 2022 05:04 PM by ZHANG Tuosheng

The article by Prof. Zhang Tuosheng (Senior Fellow at the Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University, iGCU Academic Committee Member) - “Three-Way Balance”, discussing the prospect of China-U.S.-Japan trilateral relations, was published in China US Focus.

Prof. Zhang believes that for China, the U.S. and Japan, the ideal option is to formulate a trilateral relationship that is basically stable, predominantly cooperative and relatively balanced. However, both the China-U.S. relations and China-Japan relations are “unusually tenseandunstable” at present. Prof. Zhang further proposes four main causes of the serious imbalance in the trilateral relationship. Including the changes in the three countries comparative strengths, the trend of deglobalization, the Biden Administration's policy of strategic competition with China, and the long-standing China-Japan territorial disputes. Prof. Zhang stresses that unless the status quo of the trilateral ties can be changed soon, it will either seriously weaken the economic and security cooperation of the three countries - together with East Asia - and lead to arm races and a regional security dilemma.

“Developing a China-U.S.-Japan relationship that is generally stable, cooperative and relatively balanced is in all three countries' interests and in the common interest of all countries in East Asia. This is a historic mission of far-reaching significance, and the three countries' leaders — and all people of insight — should work together to make active, continuous efforts for its fulfillment.”

The article (in Chinese and English) is available at: