Dr. Wu Baiyi: Good Reason for Europe to Change Approach to China

August 01 , 2023 11:01 AM by

The article by Dr. Wu Baiyi (Former Director of the Institute of European Studies at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; iGCU Academic Committee Member), “Good Reason for Europe to Change Approach to China”, was recently published in China-US Focus.

Against the backdrop of multiple European leaders’ frequent visits to China in the past few months, the article of Dr. Wu focuses on the “triple challenge” facing Europe, believed to be the fundamental cause of the European countries’ changing attitude towards China.

Dr. Wu reckons that the frequent interaction and dialogue between China and Europe sent the international community a message of cooperation and stability. Moreover, Dr. Wu suggests that by maintaining close ties with China, Europe could strengthen its strategic autonomy and increase its status in transatlantic relations.

Dr. Wu further notes that although French President Macron's remarks on China drew public criticism in Europe and the United States, EU leaders such as Von der Leyen, Charles Michel, and Josep Borrell clearly expressed their support, indicating that “senior European leaders have begun to fine-tune their perception of China”.

To read the full article in English and Chinese, please go to: