Prof. Wang Yong : How will U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Yellen’s Visit to China Affect the Future of Sino-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations?

September 17 , 2023 10:56 PM by Wang Yong

On July 12, the article by Prof. Wang Yong(Professor of the School of International Studies and iGCU Academic Committee Member), “How willU.S. Secretary of the TreasuryYellen’sVisit to ChinaAffect theFutureof Sino-U.S.Economic andTradeRelations? Has theTariffWarthat the U.S.InitiatedAgainst ChinaFailed?” was published on @iFENG.

Mentioning severalU.S. politicians’ successive visits to Chinathis year, Prof. Wang believes that theysignalthe adjustmentsofU.S. policyonChina. Yet,it would be unlikely forthe Biden administrationto abandon its policyof“strategic competition” with China.

Prof. Wang suggests that while the recent interactions between China and the U.S. might have opened a small “window of opportunity” forbilateral ties to improve, it remains unclear whether incumbent Democratofficials like Yellen can withstand political pressures fromhawkish politicians as the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches.

Prof. Wang indicates that themost significantissuehindering thepositivedevelopment ofChina-U.S. relations is the lack ofregularhigh-level dialogues and effective communication channels.Nevertheless, headdedthattheU.S.strategic misjudgmenttowards Chinaandanxietytowards China’s rapid development wouldnotchangeeasily,even if such a communication mechanism is re-established.

In conclusion,Prof. Wangstates thathopestill existsfor the positive development of #ChinaUSrelationsdespiteuncertainties. The hope lies inmaintainingandexpandingcultural and people-to-peopleexchangesbetween the two countries. Thus,both countriesneedto grasp the limited opportunitiesandcooperateto achieve a brighter futurefor the sake of the two peoples.

To read the full article in Chinese, please go to: