Prof. Wang Yong: There is no realistic basis for promoting a "new cold war"

November 09 , 2023 03:53 PM by Wang Yong

A recent article by Prof. Wang Yong (Professor of the School of International Studies, PKU; iGCU Academic Committee Member) strongly refutes the rhetoric of ‘China-U.S. Cold War 2.0’ and ‘China-U.S. New Cold War’, ideas conceptualized by certain Western politicians and scholars.

Prof. Wang indicates that there are fundamental differences between the current China-U.S. relations and the U.S.-USSR relations during the Cold War era. He suggests that China is not the USSR, and its relationships with other countries in the region, or the world more generally, differ from the Cold War situation back then.

Elaborating on the differences between China and the USSR, Prof. Wang notes that China’s economic size and comprehensive economic power, enormous Chinese influence on the global economy, and enhanced integration in the world economy far exceed the USSR’seconomic stature. Also, since China is a key contributor and participant of the existing global governance system and international institutions, an advocate of multilateralism, and an opposer of imposing one’s ideology on others, China and the USSR are incomparable.

Prof. Wang concludes that considering the current global landscape and the reality of China U.S. Relations, the China-U.S.Cold War is not unfolding, as it is too impractical. He suggests that as the world’s two largest economies, China and the U.S. shoulder the special responsibility of maintaining regional peace and stability and contributing to solving global challenges like climate change. The international community is calling for a stable#ChinaUSrelationship. Thus, it is vital to restore and expand people-to-people exchanges between both sides and avoid the Cold War path.

To read the full article in Chinese, please go to: