Prof. Wang Yong:A Re-adjustment of the Global Strategic Balance is Inevitable

March 20 , 2024 09:24 PM by

Prof. Wang Yong (iGCU Academic Committee Member; Professor of the School of International Studies at Peking University) discusses attempts by U.S. Republican forces to ease tensions with Russia through an interview between Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Fox News talk show host Mr.Tucker Carlson. In the interview, Putin indicateda willingness to engage innegotiations if the U.S. ceased supplying weapons to Ukraine and conveyed openness to a cease fire through various channels. However, the Kremlin denied reports of Putin proposing a cease fire to the U.S. through intermediaries.

Prof. Wang analyzes Putin’s potential strategies, including seeking a thaw in relations under the Biden administration and preparingfor a potential Trump comeback. He suggests that Putin may leverage these dynamicsto push for peace talks on the Ukraine issue. Prof. Wang concludes that as Russia gradually improves its international standing after being isolated and sanctioned, a re-adjustment of the global strategic balance is inevitable.

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