Prof. Zha Daojiong:The term “Global South” Gained Prominence in 2023 as A Significant Focus in International Political and Diplomatic Discourse

April 26 , 2024 10:13 PM by

Prof. Zha Daojiong (iGCU Academic Committee member;Professor of the School of International Studies @PKU1898) discussed the concept of the“Global South”in the context of international security and cooperation, highlighting its increased relevance following the Russia-Ukraine crisis in 2022. The term“Global South”gained prominence in 2023 as a significant focus in international political and diplomatic discourse.

Prof. Zhanoted that the term wasfirst usedin 1969 by American political activist Carl Oglesby to express opposition to the U.S.’ involvement in the Vietnam War. At that time, the“Global South”referred tounder developed countries seeking self-modernization through socialist revolutions, while countries in“Global North”were actively engaged in the war in Vietnam and promotingthe“Alliance for Progress” in Latin America.

Prof. Zha then examined China’s influence onthe“Global South”countries within contemporary international relations.He added that some Western scholars and politicians have suggested that China could potentially weaponize the“Global South”to counterbalance the U.S. and Western influence. Prof. Zha refuted such rhetoric, underscoring the autonomy and rational decision-making of“Global South”countries in their international engagements.

Prof. Zha further explored the significance of the“Global South”in terms of interdependence and South-South cooperation, emphasizing the critical role of North-South cooperation for global development. He suggested“Global South”countries have maintained their interactions with Northern nations based on their developmental needs. Moreover,he suggested that from the perspective of Global South countries, the prime concern would be narrowing the NorthSouthGap. Thus, it is a very normal and rational for them to participate in collaborative programs and initiatives (like the BRI, GCI, GDI, GSI, etc) that would potentially be beneficial for their own development or growth.

Prof. Zha stressed that China, as a natural member of the“Global South,”has forged long-standing and productive cooperative relationships with other Southern countries based on principles of independence and international development cooperation.“Global South”nations are portrayed as a vital force in the pursuit of global peace and development, rather than mere satellites of any major power.

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