【Thematic Forum of Global Digital Economy Conference 2023】Prof. Giorgio Prodi

On July 6th, the thematic forum of Global Digital Economy Conference 2023 on “Building Smart Cities in a Changing World”, hosted by the Organizing Committee of Global Digital Economy Conference, and co-organized by Harbor Overseas, iGCU, and HongKong Institution for International Finance, was held at Peking University.

The Forum is one of the highest-level digital economy conferences in China. Senior practitioners and renowned scholars worldwide actively participated in the event and shared their observations and thoughts on the building of smart cities all around the globe.

In today's episode, we will be listening to the keynote speech delivered by Prof. Giorgio Prodi (Professor at the Department of Economics and Management at Ferrara University Italy; Visiting Senior Fellow of iGCU). In his speech, Prof. Prodi highlighted the significance of cooperation between the East and the West, noting that experience-sharing would help overcome barriers and smooth differences, therefore making conflicts less probable in the future.

Now, let's come check out the speech of Prof. Giorgio Prodi.

【Thematic Forum of Global Digital Economy Conference 2023】Prof. Giorgio Prodi .mp3