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A Seminar on WTO Reform and the Prospect for the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC13) Was Successfully Held

September 11 , 2023 08:29 PM by

On Aug. 28, a seminar on WTO Reform and the Prospect forthe 13thWTOMinisterial Conference (MC13), co-hosted by iGCU and China Institute forWTO Studies of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), was successfully held at the School of International Studies, PKU.

Professor WANG Dong (Executive Dir. of iGCU) gave opening remarksat the Seminar.Professor Bernard Hoekman(Professor and Director of Global Economics at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European Union Institute) delivered his remarks via video.

Professor TU Xinquan (Dean and Professor of the China Institute forWTOStudies, UIBE) moderated the seminar. Ten scholars and experts participated in the event, sharing their thoughts onWTO institutional reform and the outlook for reform of WTO substantive issues.