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Mr. John Easterbrook Wrote a Letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping

September 11 , 2023 08:28 PM by

The grandson of General Stilwell, Mr. John Easterbrook, recently wrote a letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping, recalling General Stilwell’s exchanges with China and the Chinese people, and introducing the efforts by the Stilwell family to promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the U.S. and China. Last week, President Xi replied to the letter fromMr. John Easterbrook, expressing his appreciation for General Stilwell and the Stilwell Family’s contributions to the friendship between the two peoples, and stating that the foundation of China-US relations lies in the people.

*Representatives of Chongqing Municipal government welcomed the Stilwell family for their visit to Chongqing, thanking the Stilwell Family’s contributions to the promotion of people-to-people exchanges between the two nations.

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