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Symposium of the "Research on President Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy and the Construction of China's 'Three Systems' on International Issues"

May 20 , 2022 03:57 PM by iGCU

On May 20, Prof. Jia Qingguo (Director of iGCU) participated in the symposium of the "Research on President Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy and the Construction of China's 'Three Systems' on International Issues" and delivered a speech on the construction of the IR discipline in China.

In his speech, Prof. Jia first identified four main points that are significant to the construction of international relations as an academic discipline in China. Notably, Prof. Jia reckoned that the Chinese construction of IR as an academic discipline should be built upon the existing research of the West, striving to achieve greater progress in a rational & objective way, and should not simply deny and reject previous research of the West.To read more in Chinese: