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The 2022 Yenching Global Symposium

May 16 , 2022 07:13 PM by iGCU

The 2022 Yenching Global Symposium was held on April 8th~10th. Over 170 youth representatives and 40 renowned scholars & professionals from 60 nations/regions joined the event online and exchanged pioneering perspectives with students & alumni of Yenching Academy.

Prof. Wang Dong (Executive Director of iGCU) was invited to attend the forum, participating in the roundtable discussion on the third day. Prof. Wang exchanged in-depth ideas with Prof. Charles Kupchan (former Director for European Affairs on U.S. National Security Council and Professor at Georgetown University) on the evolution of globalization. The discussion was chaired by Prof. Fan Shiming (Associate Dean of Yenching Academy and Member of iGCU Executive Committee).

Prof. Kupchan reckons that a global concert of major powers is the best vehicle for promoting international stability, specifically through sustained consultation and negotiation. Quoted from prof. Kupchan: “Concerts have two characteristics that make nations well suited to the emerging global landscape: political inclusivity and procedural informality.”

Prof. Wangemphasizes the necessity for china and the United States to establish a “new equilibrium” and “new engagement consensus” based on mutual respect and common prosperity. Prof. Wang believes that the real competition between China and the U.S. should not be about how to contend for primacy or dominate the international system. Instead, the real competition should be about how each side can become a better self.”

At the end of the symposium, Prof.Kupchan encouraged the youngsters to keep on learning and continue to actively associate themselves with social and political affairs. Prof. Wang quoted Charles Dickens: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, to further encourage young people to stay positive and be rational during tough times.