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China-U.S. Strategic Policy Dialogue on Ukraine

April 13 , 2022 02:17 PM by iGCU

On April 12, 2022, the China-U.S. Strategic Policy Dialogue on Ukraine was held. The dialogue was organized by the George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S. -China Relations and Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) at Peking University. The event convened leading experts and senior practitioners from the U.S. and China for the discussion of the causes and influences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Prof. Wang Dong (Professor of the School of International Studies at Peking University and Executive Directorof iGCU) moderated the opening session of the dialogue. Prof. Jia Qingguo (Former Dean of the School ofInternational Studies at Peking University and Director of iGCU) delivered an opening speech detailing the need to explore the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the future of international relations as well as China and the U.S.’ role in monitoring and resolving the current conflict. Given their significant influences, China and the U.S. should strengthen communication and consultation, and strive for a ceasefire and peaceful settlement of disputes between Russia and Ukraine within the Charter of the United Nations and the principle of international law.

The discussion session, chaired by Mr David J. Firestein (President and CEO of Bush China Foundation), was centered around the causes of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Russia's geopolitical objectives, and the potential risks and possible results of the conflict. 

Chinese participants attending the meeting included Amb. Yu Hongjun (Former Vice Minister of the International Dept. of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China, Former Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Uzbekistan, Senior Advisor of iGCU), Dr. Cui Hongjian (Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Department for European Studies at China Institute of International Studies; iGCU Academic Committee Member), Prof. Feng Shaolei (Dean of the School of Advanced International and Area Studies, Director of the Center for Russian Studies at Renmin University, iGCU Academic Committee Member), and Dr. Guan Guihai (Associate Professor of the School of International Studies and VP of the Institute of International & Strategic Studies at Peking University, iGCU Academic Committee Member). 

U.S. participants included Amb. Susan M. Elliott (President and CEO of National Committee on American Foreign Policy and former U.S. Ambassador to Tajikistan), Ms. Jacqueline Miller (President and CEO of World Affairs Council of Seattle), Mr. Rodger Baker (Senior Vice President of @TheRANENetwork), and Mr. Frank Carrico (Board Member of GlobalAustin and former United States Foreign Service Officer).

Mr. Neil Bush (Founder and Chairman of George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations) gave the concluding remarks.