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China-U.S. Strategic Policy Dialogue on Afghanistan

October 28 , 2021 10:57 PM by iGCU

On Oct 28th,2021, the China-U.S. Strategic Policy Dialogue on Afghanistan, co-hosted by the Institute of Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) and George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations, brought together experts from the U.S. and China to discuss the two countries' interests, goals, and policy regarding the situation in Afghanistan in the short- and long-term. The dialogue was divided into two sessions, with the first focusing on 'U.S. and Chinese interests and goals in Afghanistan' and the second named 'Policy Recommendation for the United States and China on Managing the Situation in Afghanistan in the short- and long-term'.

This is the third session in a series of the China-U.S. Strategic Policy Dialogue co-hosted by iGCU and George W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations. Previously, the China-U.S. Strategic Policy Dialogue: Trade and Commercial Relations and the China-U.S. Strategic Policy Dialogue: Political and Security Relations were successfully held by videoconference on May 13, 2021.

Chinese attendees included: 

Jia Qingguo, Director of iGCU, 

Wang Dong, Executive Director of iGCU, 

Wang Xu, Deputy Executive Director of the Center for South Asian Studies, of Peking University, 

Amb. Wu Sike, Member of the Foreign Policy Consulting Committee of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Former Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Egypt, 

Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow of Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University,

Zhu Yongbiao, Director of the Center for Afghanistan Studies of Lanzhou University

U.S. participants included: 

Rodger Baker, Senior Fellow of George H. W. Foundation, 

Amb. Ryan Crocker, former United States Ambassador to Afghanistan, 

David J. Firestein, President and CEO of George H. W. Bush Foundation, 

Laura A. Tedesco, Program Manager for Cultural Heritage at Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs of United States Department of State,

Morwari Zafar, Founder and CEO of The Sentient Group.