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State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Delivered Keynote Speech at China-U.S. Think Tanks Media Forum

July 09 , 2020 06:51 PM by iGCU

On July 9, 2020, China-U.S. Think Tanks and Media Online Forum, co-organized by China Public Diplomacy Association, Peking University and Renmin University of China, was successfully held in Beijing. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended and delivered the keynote speech named Stay on the Right Track and Keep Pace with the Times to Ensure the Right Direction For China-U.S. Relation at the forum. Guest speakers and participants include Zhao Qizheng, former Director of the Information Office of the State Council, Fu Ying, head of the Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University and former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State, Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia and President of the Asia Society Policy Institute and Kurt Campbell, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and other former political leaders, experts and scholars from prestigious think tanks and heads of media organizations from China and the U.S..

The Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking University was invited to the forum, and recommend the keynote speech of WANG Yi. This article is reprinted from the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

Wang stressed that China-U.S. relations face the most severe challenge since the establishment of diplomatic ties. Some in the U.S. with ideological biases are resorting to all possible means to portray China as an adversary, and even an enemy. Whether the two countries can get things right and get the relations back on track matters not only to the interests of the Chinese and American peoples, but also to the future of the world and humanity. The U.S. need to develop more objective and cool-headed perceptions about China, and a more rational and pragmatic China policy.

Wang underscored that China's path of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been the way out of poverty and backwardness for the 1.4 billion Chinese people, and it has enabled the Chinese nation to make important contribution again to the progress of mankind. China does not replicate any model of other countries, nor does it export its own to others. China will not, and cannot, be another U.S.. The success of China's path will not be a blow or threat to the Western system and path. China and the U.S. should not seek to remodel each other. Instead, they must work together to find ways to peaceful coexistence of different systems and civilizations.

Wang stressed that China never intends to challenge or replace the U.S., or have full confrontation with the U.S.. China has maintained a highly stable and consistent policy toward the U.S., and is willing to grow China-U.S. relations with goodwill and sincerity. To achieve this goal, China and the U.S. need to work in the same direction, respect international law and international rules, and engage in equal dialogue and consultation. China has every right to uphold its sovereignty, security and development interests, safeguard the achievements that the Chinese people have made through hard work, and reject any bullying and injustice imposed on it.

Wang said that in the past 40 years and more since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries' interests have become highly integrated. China and the U.S. have jointly accomplished many great things to the benefit of not only the two countries but also the world. It is important that both sides have a correct view of the historical experience of China-U.S. relations. That does not mean starting all over again, let alone impractical decoupling. It means building on past achievements, keeping pace with the times and staying the course of dialogue and cooperation.

Wang made three suggestions on bringing China-U.S. relations back to the right track.

First, activate and open all the channels of dialogue. The current China policy of the U.S. is based on strategic miscalculation, and is fraught with emotions and whims and McCarthyist bigotry. Only communication can dispel falsehoods, and slandering others does not clear one's own name. China's door to dialogue remains open. China stands ready to restore and restart the dialogue mechanisms at all levels and in all areas.

Second, review and agree on the lists of interactions. The first is a list that specifies all areas, bilateral and global, where China and the U.S. can work together. The second is a list of dialogues that itemize the issues of differences that could be solved through dialogues. The third is a list of issues that the two countries have little chance to agree on and need proper management.

Third, focus and cooperate on COVID-19 response. China is ready to share with the U.S. information about COVID-19 prevention and containment as well as our response experience. And China is also ready to have closer exchanges with the U.S. on diagnostics and therapeutics, vaccines, and economic recovery. The U.S., for its part, should immediately stop its acts of politicization and stigmatization. It should work with China to promote a global response and live up to their international responsibility as two major countries.

Source: Embassy of The People of Republic of China In The Kindom of Thailand
