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Prof. Wang Dong Invited to 2019 Youth and Middle-aged Forum of U.S. Election and Sino-U.S. Relations

November 20 , 2019 05:06 PM by iGCU

On November 20-21, 2019 Youth and Middle-aged Forum of U.S. Election and Sino-U.S. Relations was successfully held by Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and Shanghai Institute for International Strategic Studies. More than 20 scholars in international relations and Sino-U.S. relations discussed the challenges of Sino-U.S. relations, as well as the impact of the U.S. election. Professor Wang Dong, Executive Director of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding was invited to the forum and preside over the seminar. Yang Jiemian, Director of the Academic Committee of the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and chairman of Shanghai Institute for International Strategic Studies, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony.

The 2020 U.S. presidential election is coming. Influential factors and variables in Sino-U.S. relations deserves continuous attention of scholarsin international relations and Sino-U.S. relations. Prof. Wang Dong focused onthe current challenges and the future development direction of Sino-U.S. relations in the first agenda named "Challenges and Responses to Current Sino-U.S. Relations", from the perspective of domestic politics and diplomacy.