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Xi Jinping Meets with the President of Harvard University

March 20 , 2019 09:17 AM by iGCU

On March 20, 2019, President XJinping met with Harvard University President Lawrence Bacow in the Great Hall of the People.

XI praised Bacow for coming to China on his first visit after he took office which showed Bacow's emphasis on Sino-US educational exchanges. XI pointed out that educational exchanges and cooperation are important parts of Sino-US relations and can enhance the public opinion foundation of Sino-US friendship. Since the founding of People’s Republic of China, especially the recent 40 years after reform and opening up, a large number of talents who studied abroad and returned to China have made important contributions to China's development and construction. China encourages studying abroad, mutual learning and Sino-foreign educational exchanges, hoping that China-US cultural communication will achieve more. XI also mentioned last meeting with U.S President Donald Trump in Argentina at the end of last year, and agreed with Trump’s supporting on Sino-US educational exchanges and cooperation.

XI emphasized that in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China's rapid development has largely benefited from the improvement of education. China tries to build a country of powerful education, and run education that satisfies the people.China will expand the opening of education to the outside world, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning with countries around the world, and jointly promote the education. In this process, we are willing to carry out more extensive exchanges and cooperation with Harvard and other American educational research institutions.

Bacow thanked XI for the meeting. Bacow said that he was very happy to visit China for the first time since he took office.His visit is not only as the president of Harvard, but also on behalf of American universities to promote educational exchanges between the United States and China. The maintenance and deepening of exchanges and cooperation between universities and other educational and cultural institutions of China and U.S. is vital to the long-term development of US-China relations. Harvard has a large number of Chinese students, and the popularity of Chinese among foreign languages is among the best. The Chinese government attaches great importance to and vigorously strengthens higher education, which is admirable. Harvard is willing to continue to promote exchanges and cooperation with Chinese educational research institutions.

SUN Chunlan,YANG Jiechi and WANGYi attended the meeting.