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Delegation of China-Foreign People-to-People Exchange Centre of the Ministry of Education Visits iGCU

February 28 , 2019 11:49 AM by iGCU (formerly known as CUPPE)


On February 27th, a delegation led by Yang Xiaochun, Deputy Director of the China-Foreign People-to-People Exchange Centre of the Ministry of Education, visited our school to conduct an investigation and held a symposium with teachers on such topics as China-foreign people-to-people exchange. The symposium was hosted by the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding of Peking University (formerly known as China-US People-to-People Exchange) and presided over by Professor Wang Dong, Executive Director of the Institute.

The attending leaders and staff of the Ministry of Education included Yang Xiaochun, Deputy Director of the China-Foreign People-to-People Exchange Centre of the Ministry of Education, Tang Yun, Head of the Major Projects and Activities Division of the Centre, Ding Lianpu, Head of the First Division of the Centre, and Zhang Quanhua and Zhu Min, staff members of the Centre. The leaders and teachers from our school attending the symposium were as follows: Zhou Manli, Vice Minister of the Office of International Relations of Peking University; Guo Lin, Director of the Office of Humanities and Social Sciences of Peking University; Professor Jia Qingguo, Director of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding of Peking University (formerly known as CUPPE); Wu Qiang, Associate Dean of the School of International Studies of Peking University; Professor Xu Zhenzhou, Head of the Department of Comparative Politics of the School of International Studies, Peking University; Guan Guihai, Deputy Executive Dean of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies of Peking University; Liu Haifang, Director of the Centre for African Studies of Peking University; Cui Hongjian, Director of the Department for European Studies of the China Institute of International Studies; Professor Wang Dong, Executive Director of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding of Peking University (formerly known as CUPPE), and Qi Haotian, Secretary General of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding of Peking University.

At the beginning of the symposium, Professor Jia Qingguo gave an opening speech in which he briefly introduced the basic situation of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding of Peking University (formerly known as CUPPE) and the achievements made by the Institute in recent years. Deputy Director Yang Xiaochun expressed high recognition of the Institute's work, then introduced the current work situation and planning of the China-Foreign People-to-People Exchange Centre of the Ministry of Education, as well as expressing his high expectations for active cooperation with the relevant parties of Peking University. Deputy Director Yang Xiaochun pointed out that the relevant departments of the Ministry of Education hope to establish a better platform for China-foreign people-to-people exchange based on the quality resources in the education sector, provide better services, efficiently integrate resources and serve national strategic decisions. In these aspects, Peking University possesses good foundations and experience. Yang hopes that the experts will continue to make valuable suggestions. On behalf of the Office of International Relations and Office of Humanities and Social Sciences of Peking University, Vice Minister Zhou Manli and Director Guo Lin expressed their great concern for and willingness to support the promotion of China-foreign people-to-people exchange.


In free communication, Associate Dean Wu Qiang introduced the highlights of people-to-people exchange in the cultivation of international students; Professor Guan Guihai shared the successful experience of China-Russia people-to-people exchange and offered proposals for the construction of mechanisms for China-foreign people-to-people exchange; Director Liu Haifang introduced the leaders of the Ministry of Education to the achievements and experience of the Centre for African Studies of Peking University in China-Africa people-to-people exchange; and Assistant Professor Qi Haotian proposed ideas on promoting China-US people-to-people exchange based on his own experience.


Finally, Professor Jia Qingguo summarized the symposium. The participants agreed that there are both opportunities and challenges in the current work of China-foreign people-to-people exchange and great space for progress in general. The concept and method of "the government providing a platform for non-governmental efforts" should be actively carried forward to stimulate the vitality and initiative of the main body, enabling China-foreign people-to-people exchange to continue to develop steadily on a positive course. In this process, the China-Foreign People-to-People Exchange Centre of the Ministry of Education and the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding of Peking University (formerly known as China-US People-to-People Exchange) are willing to strengthen their communication and cooperation, and jointly devote themselves to the cause of China-foreign people-to-people exchange. The symposium ended in a warm and friendly atmosphere.


Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU, formerly Institute for China-US People-to-People Exchange) of Peking University is a new-type think tank with Chinese characteristics approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE) of China and operated by Peking University. Integrating teaching, scientific research, policy consultation and talent training as a whole, iGCU is the only comprehensive think tank for people-to-people exchanges in Peking University established by the MOE at present, serving the “Ten Mechanisms” of people-to-people exchanges, leading domestic researches on people-to-people exchanges, coordinating and promoting the cause of China’s people-to-people exchanges with other nations in the world. In January 2020, upon approval of the MOE, the “Institute for China-US People-to-People Exchange” was renamed as the “Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding”. In December 2020, the iGCU was enlisted into the 2020 Chinese Think Tank Index (CTTI), and in January 2021, it ranked 76th among Top Think Tanks in China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea 2020, also the 17th Chinese think tank on the list.