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Now and Beyond | H.E. Arancha Gonzales Laya: Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po

May 10 , 2023 02:46 AM by

On October 31, the Now and Beyond Special TV Forum, organized by CGTN and supportedby iGCU, was successfully held. Senior practitioners and renowned scholars from Armenia,China, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Norway, South Africa, Spain, the U.K., and the U.S. were invitedto the forum, giving their views on Chinats onward journey as charted by the 20th CPCNational Congress, and its impact on the world. "Ihe forum was moderated by Ms. Liu Xin(Senior Host of CGTN).

H.E. Arancha Gonzales Laya (Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po) proposed that the most important message from the 20th CPC National Congress was common prosperity for China and the world. "It is important that what works for China, works for the rest of the world, and vice versa." She believed that the economy is a big part of ensuring "no one would be left behind," and thus it is crucial to continue reforming and opening up China's economy.