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The Fifth Session of the "Words in Dongming"

April 18 , 2023 03:40 AM by

On March 10, the fifth session of the "Words in Dongming (洞明书屋)" co-organized by iGCU and the School of International Studies (SIS) of Peking University was successfully held in the Dongming Discussion Room at the SIS. Prof. Pan Wei (Professor of SIS, member of iGCU Academic Committee) was invited to talk about his book, “Faith and People: The CPC and Chinese Political Traditions” (Published in 2017, in Chinese).

Prof. Pan shared his experience studying international politics and discussed his understanding of the links between people and government. Quoting Prof. Pan: “The vitality of government comes from the people, not from the government itself”.

To read more about the event or watch Prof. Pan’s interview with us, please visit: