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Prof. Pang Zhongying Published the Article "The First Anniversary of RCEP's Entry into Force Has Initially Released Dividends for Regional Economic Growth"

March 31 , 2023 03:34 PM by

2023 marks the first anniversary of the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world's largest trading bloc. Against this backdrop, Prof. Pang Zhongying (Chair Professor in International Political Economy at the School of Economics, Sichuan University;Academic Committee Member of iGCU) published his article, “The first anniversary of RCEP’s entry into force has initially released dividends for regional economic growth”,in Bauhinia Magazine.

The author explains the significance of RCEP, differentiates between RCEP and other existing free trade agreements, and discusses regional cooperation under RCEP, indicating that RCEP’s stability and sustainability are closely tied to ASEAN. The author further suggests that gaining RCEP membership will strengthen Hong Kong’s global economic presence.

However, the author points out two major challenges facing the RCEP: one comes from the CPTPP, and the other from the U.S.-initiated IPEF.Prof. Pang stated that,“Under the current circumstance where the global economy is filled with uncertainties, RCEP represents openness, inclusiveness and cooperation. It bringsenormoushope to China and the region and benefits global economic integration and global economic governance.”

To read more about the article in Chinese, please go to: