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Prof. Zhang Yun Published the Article "A Risky NATO Tour for East Asia"

March 28 , 2023 10:32 PM by

On Feb. 7, the article of Prof. Zhang Yun (Associate Professor of National Niigata University, Japan; Research Fellow of the Center for Global Governance at Peking University), - "A Risky NATO Tour for East Asia", was published on CHINA US Focus.

Commenting on NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg's visit to South Korea and Japan, the article argues that the real danger for East Asian security lies not in a NATO entry but in the absorption of its security concept that takes collective defense based on military deterrence and confrontation between two ideological camps as its pillars.

For Prof. Zhang, "an East Asian security concept based on dialogue and cooperation is the best way to balance the sprawl of the NATO security concept across the region…East Asia cannot afford to repeat the mistake of triggering a rapid deterioration in regional security by replacing dialogue and cooperation with military deterrence."

To read the full article in English and Chinese, please go to: