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The Annual Conference Hosted by the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy

March 19 , 2023 01:08 AM by

The annual conference hosted by the Institute of Foreign Affairs & National Security (IFANS) of theKorea National Diplomatic Academythemed "Global Pivotal States: Visions & Strategies” was successfully held on November 02, 2022.


Senior practitioners and renowned scholars were invited to the conference, including H.E. Park Jin (Minister of Foreign Affairs of the ROK), Prof. John Mearsheimer (Distinguished Service Professorof the University of Chicago), and Prof. Wang Dong (Executive Director of iGCU; Professor of SIS at PKU).

In his speech, Prof. John Mearsheimer briefly talked about the China-U.S. rivalry for hegemony and its impacts on the Northeast Asian countries. He stated that the internationl system today is multipolar, with China, the U.S., and Russia being three of the greatest powers.


Prof. Mearsheimer noted that a multipolar world is more dangerous than a unipolar or bipolar one, as there would be higher risks for armed conflicts between great powers. He added that the situation in East Asia is getting more complex and dangerous.

Responding to Prof. Mearsheimer’s argument, Prof. Wang Dong stressed that the assumption of the so-called “rivalry for hegemony” is a logical fallacy. China has no interest in competing for global dominance and is "a reluctant rival" in the U.S. imposed competition.


Prof. Wang argued that China is dedicated to promoting high-quality development, and improving people’s livelihood. Facing the U.S. containment strategy, China would have to defend its sovereignty, security, and right to development.