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Trilateral Perspectives on Indo-Pacific Strategic Security and Cooperation: China, The United States, and India

March 03 , 2021 06:07 PM by iGCU

On March 3, 2021, the 2nd Seminar on “Trilateral Perspectives on Indo-Pacific Strategic Security and Cooperation: China, The United States, and India”, hosted by the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding(iGCU) at Peking University and supported by US-China Education Trust(USCET), was successfully held with the theme of “Maritime Security in the Asia-Pacific Region”. Wang Dong, Executive Director of iGCU, Peking University, presided over the opening session, in which he introduced the theme of the seminar and guests, and delivered a keynote speech.

Yao Yunzhu, retired Major General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), Senior Advisor to China Association for Military Science (CAMS), and former Director of the Center on China-U.S. Defense Relations under the Academy of Military Sciences(AMS), PLA China; Uday Bhaskar, retired Commodore of the Indian Navy, Director of the Institute of Policy Studies, and former Director of the National Maritime Foundation of India (NMF); Michael McDevitt, retired Major General of the United States, Senior Fellow and former Vice President of the CNA, and former Commander of U.S. Army War College (USAWC), and former Director of the Office of East Asia Policy of the U.S. Secretary of Defense and over 20 former dignitaries, renowned experts and scholars from China, the U.S. and India exchanged views and made dialogues during the seminar, delivering forward-looking analysis on future trilateral strategic security and cooperation among China, the U.S. and India.

The successful holding of the 2nd China-US-India trilateral academic seminar provided an opportunity for China, the U.S. and India of continuous academic exchanges to carry out regional cooperation and to promote the resolution of regional issues, and contributed to further deepening academic dialogues and people-to-people exchanges among academic and think tank communities of China, the U.S. and India.