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Chinese Think Tanks Gather in Nanjing with the Common Goal of Contributing to the Building of a New-Type Think Tank Community with Chinese Characteristics

December 19 , 2020 09:34 AM by iGCU

From December 18thto 19th, 2020, hosted by Nanjing University andGuangming Daily, and undertaken by the China Think Tank Research and Evaluation Centre (CTTREC) of Nanjing University, andGuangming DailyThink Tank Research and Release Center, the 2020 New-Type Think Tank Governance & Thoughts and Theories Communication Forum was held in Nanjing. Themed "Boost the 14thFive-Year Plan, New Contributions from Think Tanks", nearly 300 experts and scholars from think tank management departments and thoughts and theories frontiers from all over the country were invited to this Forum to discuss the contributions of think tanks to celebrating the 100thanniversary of the founding of the CPC, as well as fulfilling the second centenary goal in the 14thFive-Year Plan period. Qi Haotian, Secretary-General of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) and Assistant Professor of the School of International Studies of Peking University, attended and presided over the seminar themed Great Changes Not Seen in a Century and New Strategies for the Communication of Thoughts and Theories.

Scene of the 2020 New-Type Think Tank Governance & Thoughts and Theories Communication Forum

From December 18thto 19th, 2020, hosted by Nanjing University andGuangming Daily, and undertaken by the China Think Tank Research and Evaluation Centre (CTTREC) of Nanjing University, andGuangming DailyThink Tank Research and Release Center, the 2020 New-Type Think Tank Governance & Thoughts and Theories Communication Forum was held in Nanjing. The2020 Chinese Think Tank Index (CTTI) Reportand supplement list of CTTI source think tanks (STTs) were released at the Forum. The iGCU of Peking University made its first application and was successfully selected as a 2020 CTTI STT.

iGCU of Peking University Selected as 2020 CTTI STT

Lu Xiangao, Deputy Editor-in-Chief ofGuangming Daily, Zhao Jinsong, Deputy Head of the Publicity Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and Yang Zhong, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Nanjing University Party Committee, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.

Lu Xiangao, Deputy Editor-in-Chief ofGuangming Daily, delivers a speech

Zhao Jinsong, Deputy Head of the Publicity Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, delivers a speech

Yang Zhong, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Nanjing University Party Committee, delivers a speech

Think tank experts including Xu Bu, President of the China Institute of International Studies and former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China in Chile, Zhang Yi, Vice Chairman of the Think Tank of State Governance Studies of the China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Yan Jinming, Executive Dean of the National Academy of Development and Strategy of Renmin University of China, and Fan Conglai, Chief Expert of the Yangtze Industrial Economic Research Institute (Yangtze IDEI) of Nanjing University and Professor of Nanjing University delivered keynote reports at the Forum in which they shared their insights on the academic research of their respective fields and think tank construction.

President Xu Bu pointed out that the great changes in the world are developing in both depth and breadth, the COVID-19 pandemic rages on and the world has slipped into a serious recession. At the same time, unilateralism and protectionism are on the rise, while the peace deficit and development deficit worsen with each passing day. We must firmly grasp the essence and laws of global development, and strengthen our confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Xu Bu, President of the China Institute of International Studies, delivers a keynote report

Zhang Yi, Vice Chairman of the Think Tank of State Governance Studies, CASS, analyzed the future demographic trends and class changes in China, and pointed out that the country’s population will reach its peak and return to its starting point in the next 15 years, so it requires transformative development. The rise of the middle class in the future will be the most important variable in fulfilling our goal of building a great modern country and realizing modernized development.

Zhang Yi, Vice Chairman of the Think Tank of State Governance Studies, CASS, delivers a keynote report

Yan Jinming, Executive Dean of the National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China, believes that think tank research must be built upon a deep and solid foundation of academic research and must undergo an organic transformation from academic research and evaluation to think tank research and evaluation, thereby realizing the "seamless connection" between academic studies and political consultation.

Yan Jinming, Executive Dean of the National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China, delivers a keynote report

Fan Conglai, Chief Expert of the Yangtze IDEI of Nanjing University and Professor of Nanjing University, analyzed the hot issue of "Yangtze River Delta Integration", pointing out that the integration of the Yangtze River Delta bears the historical mission of pushing China towards harmonious and inclusive development, so administrative barriers must be broken down.

Fan Conglai, Chief Expert of the Yangtze IDEI of Nanjing University and Professor of Nanjing University, delivers a keynote report

After the keynote reports, Jiang Yingchun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Information Management, Nanjing University, hosted the release of the2020 CTTI Reportand supplement list of 2020 CTTI STTs. Li Gang, Director and Chief Expert of CTTREC, and Associate Editor ofThink Tank: Theory & Practice, gave a briefing on the2020 CTTI Report, released the supplement list of 2020 CTTI STTs and issued certificates to new think tanks. CTTREC and theGuangming DailyThink Tank Research and Release Center first conducted a joint investigation to determine the list of think tanks for preliminary review. Shortlisted think tanks were then rigorously scrutinized and assessed by experts, and 99 STTs were finally selected. The review passing rate was about 31%. This is the first time that the iGCU has applied to be a CTTI STT, and it was successfully selected.

Qi Haotian, Secretary-General of the iGCU, receives the certificate at the awarding ceremony

"CTTI Source Think Tank" certificate of the iGCU

At the three seminars organized during this Forum, the participants discussed Think Tanks and the 14thFive-Year Plan, Great Changes Not Seen in a Century and New Strategies for the Communication of Thoughts and Theories and Sharing Session of the Excellent Research Results of 2020 CTTI Source Think Tanks. Qi Haotian, Secretary-General of the iGCU, presided over the seminar on Great Changes Not Seen in a Century and New Strategies for the Communication of Thoughts and Theories.

Meeting venue

Since the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council issued theOpinions on Strengthening the Construction of New-Type Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristicsin 2015, China's think tanks in various categories have made significant progress and achievements. According to the latest data of CTTI, it now includes 941 STTs.