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[Book Launch] New Perspective, New Path, New Thought: Blue Book of Elderly Health – Research and Strategies for Healthy Aging in China (2020) Book Launch

October 18 , 2020 11:16 AM by

On October 18th, 2020, hosted by the Special Committee of Elderly Health Economics of the China Health Economics Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Special Committee of Elderly Health”) and co-organized by the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) and the Healthy China Theory and Empirical Research Group of Peking University, the launch of theBlue Book of Elderly Health – Research and Strategies for Healthy Aging in China(2020) (hereinafter referred to as the “Blue Book of Elderly Health”) was successfully held in Beijing.

It was attended by Han Qide, Senior Consultant of the iGCU of Peking University, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honorary President of the China Association for Science and Technology, and Vice-Chairman of the Twelfth CPPCC, Gao Qiang, former Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council, former Minister of Health, Principal Consultant of the China Health Economic Association and Principal Consultant of the Special Committee of Elderly Health, Chen Keji, Honorary Chairman of the Gerontological Society of China and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chen Xiaohong, former Deputy Director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, Rao Keqin, Chairman of the China Health Economic Association, and Zhao Hongsheng, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of the Beijing Returned Overseas Chinese Federation, and others.


Wang Dong, Executive Director of the iGCU of Peking University, and Professor Wang Hongman, Academic Member of the iGCU of Peking University and editor-in-chief of the book, presided over the launch of theBlue Book of Elderly Health.

New Perspective

Wang Hongman, the new book's editor-in-chief and Professor of Peking University, introduced the main contents of the book to the audience. Healthy aging is an important constituent in the implementation of the Healthy China strategy and promotion of the Healthy China initiative. Themed "Healthy Aging", theBlue Book of Elderly Healthsystematically analyzes the global public health challenges posed by an aging population, presents rational reflections and realistic responses on the issue, and creatively proposes that China's integration of medical and elderly care services must upgrade its core, expand its outreach and transition from mere longevity to health and longevity, and from medical treatment and elderly care to healthcare and elderly care. By integrating theoretical frontiers, methods and experience with empirical inquiry, the book dissects the issues, opportunities and challenges facing the aging society, and proposes suggestions and thinking methods for implementing the healthy aging strategy and the progress of the initiative.。


In his address, Han Qide, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honorary President of the China Association for Science and Technology, and Vice-Chairman of the Twelfth CPPCC, pointed out that research and strategies for healthy aging are urgently required if we are to realize a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Focusing on healthy aging, theBlue Book of Elderly Healthputs forth many comprehensive, systematic, targeted and feasible suggestions and insights based on theories, practices, international experience and investigations in both rural and urban areas in China. The book covers diverse contents ranging from medical care to lifestyles, and from industries to human resource development. Representing great social research, it will surely play an important role in promoting healthy aging and quality health care for the elderly. Academician Han Qide highlighted that we must realize elderly health by developing gerontology in depth, promoting a healthy lifestyle for the elderly and strengthening care guidance and rehabilitation therapy for the elderly; develop the elderly health industry and IT products suitable for the elderly; establish and improve an elderly care system that fits China's national conditions, strengthen the overall planning and increase investment; maintain the social status of the elderly and fully leverage their human resources; and strengthen our death publicity and education to establish the concept of “being-towards-death”.

Later, representatives of the authors delivered keynote speeches.

Dr. Bao Heling, Member of the Healthy China Theory and Empirical Research Group of Peking University, introduced the participating guests to the contents of the first chapter: global public health challenges caused by an aging population. Using data from common databases on the population, burden of disease and health monitoring, the chapter conducts detailed analyses of the public health issues caused by the aging population, including demographic changes, health conditions and the burden of disease. It points out that the next 30 years will be a critical period in which China's aging population rapidly increases, and chronic disease, emerging infectious disease and damage become the three main challenges facing an aging population. On this basis, it proposes some rational reflections and realistic responses.

Dr. Yang Le, Member of the Healthy China Theory and Empirical Research Group of Peking University, introduced the research results of the aging population forecast model. The Research Group proposed that the reasonable prediction of the growth trend and social impact of the aging population is an important foundation for the country to implement a healthy aging strategy. It highlighted issues such as the inaccurate selection of prediction models, simplex prediction area and insufficient applicability and empirical study of the model, and called on more scholars to devote themselves to researching future population prediction.

Members of the Standing Committee and representatives of members of the Special Committee of Elderly Health then delivered speeches on the topic.

Professor Xiang Chunling, Doctoral Supervisor of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National School of Administration), delivered a keynote report on the wisdom dividends of the elderly. She proposed five measures and suggestions for the human resource development of the elderly. First, alter social recognition and encourage the human resource development of the elderly, especially the younger elderly; second, improve the laws and regulations to offer an institutional guarantee for the re-employment of the elderly; third, deepen the reform of the retirement system; fourth, establish platforms for the human resource development of the elderly; fifth, encourage the elderly to make contributions to social organizations; and sixth, improve the comprehensive cultural quality and human resource efficiency of the elderly.


Next, Professor Wang Hongman from Peking University introduced "Advanced Theories and Applications in the Science and Technology Services of Intelligent Heath Care in China" in the theory and empirical chapter of the blue book. According to Professor Wang, China has made several accomplishments in the field of intelligent health care technologies for the elderly, and these services will continue to promote the optimization of the whole industry chain. Constructing a Chinese intelligent health care scheme which incorporates the One Health concept under the trend of a global aging population can not only fulfill healthy aging in China, but also offer a blueprint and exemplar for healthy aging worldwide.


Gao Qiang, former Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council, former Minister of Health, Principal Consultant of the China Health Economic Association and Principal Consultant of the Special Committee of Elderly Health, delivered the concluding remarks. Minister Gao Qiang highly affirmed the significance of theBlue Book of Elderly Health. He praised the research team for its unremitting efforts in tackling elderly health issues to advance the goal of China’s long-term sustainable socio-economic development during the pandemic. The team conducted in-depth research on the planning, policies and channels of elderly health in China while combining theory and practice, thereby offering intelligent support for the Party and government's decision-making, as well as a precious gift for the elderly. He clearly pointed out that among the three main issues facing the aging population in China, namely an insufficiently effective working population, insufficient old-age pensions and insufficient budget for medical expenses, health is the biggest issue. He also proposed the "Three Cares" view of elderly health: the elderly shall take care of their own health, society shall take care of elderly health, and the Party and government shall protect elderly health. Minister Gao Qiang also expressed his sincere hope that young scholars will study elderly health, not only laying a solid foundation for their own health when they grow old, but also bringing greater contributions and more positive energy to society.


After that, the book launch ceremony was held. Han Qide, Gao Qiang, Chen Keji, Chen Xiaohong and Rao Keqin launched the new book together.

New Path

On the day of the launch, theBlue Book of Elderly Health, which brings together the wisdom of many experts, scholars and pragmatists, was collected by the National Library of China. The donation certificate of the National Library of China was awarded to the Healthy China Theory and Empirical Research Group of Peking University, and the Special Committee of Elderly Health.

Positioned according to China's national conditions, theBlue Book of Elderly Healthdissects the current situations of an aging population, industrial development of elderly health, long-term care, human resources of the elderly, regenerative medicine, integration of local medical and elderly care services, and targeted strategies of “healthy aging and health care services” and “healthy aging and socio-economic coordinated development”. It studies the development status quo and potential inefficiencies of healthy aging, and raises policy suggestions. The book fully employs the role of the Special Committee of Elderly Health in the development and decision-making of China's elderly health enterprises as a think tank, and strives to offer decision-making references and scientific support for the realization of the healthy aging strategy in China.

New Thought

Upholding the idea of the "combination of theory and practice, and discussion of the current situation and the future", theBlue Book of Elderly Healthis based on solid data and practical experience. It covers the current situations and predications of the academic research, enterprises and industrial development of healthy aging in the eastern, central and western regions of China. Built on detailed and accurate statistical data and field investigation documents, the book unfolds in four sections. It discusses the general current situation and future prospects of China’s aging population and healthy aging strategy in terms of the general overview, theoretical frontiers, methods and experience, and empirical inquiry.

The book is based on the potential social, economic, and health issues under the current aging trend. Through exploring, sorting and researching theoretical frontiers and methodological experience, the book explains and analyzes the current situation of the elderly care model and aging work in typical areas, paints a realistic picture of the implementation and promotion of the national and local healthy aging strategy, and offers important references for the policy-making and system optimization of relevant departments, as well as the in-depth research and concept expansion of experts and scholars in relevant fields.

The launch of theBlue Book of Elderly Healthbrought together scholars and pragmatists engaged in the interdisciplinary, multi-field and high-level interpretation and analysis of the reality of the aging population in China and the world. The compilation of this book was led by the Healthy China Theory and Empirical Research Group of Peking University, and Special Committee of Elderly Health, and was jointly completed by experts and scholars from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National School of Administration), Harbin Medical University, Shanxi Medical University, China Research Center of Aging and other colleges, scientific research institutes, government departments and medical care institutions.