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Professor Wang Dong Lectured On the Theme Party Class Jointly Organised By the Party Branches of the Office of International Relations and the Office of Humanities and Social Sciences of Peking University

March 18 , 2019 11:31 AM by iGCU

On the afternoon of March 18, 2019, the Party Branches of the Office of International Relations and the Office of Humanities and Social Sciences jointly held a theme party class and invited Professor Wang Dong of the School of International Studies to give a lecture entitled "Re-globalisation: A New Perspective to Understand the Interaction Between China and the World". Near 40 party members from the two offices and personnel from the Office of Discipline Construction, Institute of Area Studies, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences and other units attended the party class.

Gu Xue, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Office of International Relations, presided over the event. Li Jing, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Office of Humanities and Social Sciences, gave a detailed introduction to Wang Dong' s academic achievements.

Starting with the rise of China and the global order, Wang Dong, using the historical axis, analyzed the relationship between China and the global order since the Opium War in 1840 when China was forced to enter the modern international system, and introduced the three histories of China's participation in globalisation, studying the debate about the future of globalisation and the disadvantages of the old globalisation. In his view, globalisation has not come to an end, but has entered a new stage of  "re-globalisation". Combined with the AIIB and the Belt and Road Initiative, he introduced the emerging global picture, and analyzed China's role as a new engine of "re-globalisation". Wang Dong also introduced his views on the development of China-US relations and the trend of the US political situation.

Party members attending the meeting said that the party class sorted out China's role in the global order at different stages from a historical perspective based on an international perspective, vividly demonstrated China's role in the contemporary international community through case studies. In addition, through an in-depth analysis of China's responsibility in "re-globalisation", this party class provides a sound guidance to deeply understand contemporary international relations.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. All party members of the Office of International Relations and the Office of Humanities and Social Sciences will continue to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's new concepts, new judgments and new requirements on higher education, party building in colleges and universities, and ideological and political work. All party members will firmly grasp the opportunity of Double First Class construction and deeply explore the laws of international exchanges and cooperation, humanities and social science research management and discipline development of Peking University in the new era. All party members will remain true to the original aspiration, keep the mission firmly in mind, constantly innovate the work concepts and the level of management and service, making newer and greater contributions to the international construction of Peking University and to the re-creation of brilliance in the liberal arts of Peking University.