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High-end Lecture by Avery Goldstein: "China's Grand Strategy and its Significance for International Security"

October 15 , 2018 11:41 AM by iGCU


At noon on October 15, 2018, Avery Goldstein, Director of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary China, Professor of Politcal Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania and famous American expert on China issues, visited the School of International Studies of Peking University to deliver a speech on "China's Grand Strategy and its Significance for International Security" and had in-depth discussion with teachers, students and media on this issue. This seminar is a special event of the Kim Koo Forum and one of high-end lectures on China-U.S. people-to-people exchanges hosted by the Institute for China-U.S. People-to-People Exchange of Peking University. The seminar was chaired by Associate Professor Jie Dalei. Professor Han Hua, Associate Professor Chen Shaofeng, Associate Professor Wang Dong, Assistant Professor Liu Lianlian, Assistant Professor Qi Haotian of the School of International Studies, Researcher Lan Shunzheng of The Charhar Institute, Jia Zifang and Wang Ziyuan of China Foreign Affairs University, along with some media professionals and more than 20 students from the School of International Studies attended the seminar.


At the beginning of the seminar, Prof. Wang Dong, Executive Deputy Director of the Institute, first welcomed Professor Avery Goldstein on behalf of the School of International Studies and the Institute, and briefly introduced Professor Avery Goldstein, the moderator Associate Professor Jie Dalei, and all the guests attending the seminar. Next, Jie Dalei introduced Professor Avery Goldstein's achievements and prestige in the field of China studies, as well as the theme of his speech. In his speech, Avery Goldstein talked about the historical evolution, current characteristics and challenges of China's grand strategy. Professor Goldstein pointed out that although it is widely believed that China's performance on the international stage in recent years is obviously more confident than in the past, there is no fundamental difference between China's grand strategy in the new era and that before. During the Cold War, China's strategic goal was mainly "seeking survival". After the end of the Cold War, China's strategic goal turned to seeking development and "revival". In the early days, due to its weak economic and military strength, China adopted the policy of "keeping a low profile and hiding its capabilities", achieved rapid development, and actively integrated into the international system, trying to play an active role in international security issues. However, with the rapid growth of China's economic strength, China's international performance has become increasingly active, especially after 2008. Today, although China has achieved the growth of comprehensive strength that attracted worldwide attention, it is also facing some misgivings of the international community. When thinking about China's grand strategy, the Chinese leadership in the new era needs to comprehensively consider China's powerful political and economic strengths, the core interests that must be defended, and the way to advocate the reform of the existing international order and become a responsible power in the international system. In the end, Avery Goldstein also talked about the complex external environment that China may face when implementing the grand strategy in the new era, prposed feasible countermeasures, and looked into the future of the international order and international security environment.

After the speech, Avery Goldstein and the attending scholars conducted in-depth discussion on China's grand strategy and China-U.S. relations, and answered relevant questions raised by participants in the media circles and students of the School of International Studies. The seminar ended in a friendly and warm atmosphere.

Avery Goldstein is the David M. Knott Professor of Global Politics and International Relations in the Political Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania and Director of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary China and Deputy Director of the Christopher H. Browne Centre for International Politics. His research fields mainly include international relations, security studies and Chinese politics. His masterpieces include Rising to the Challenge: China's Grand Strategy and International SecurityDeterrence and Security in the 21stCentury: China, Britain, France, and the Enduring Legacy of the Nuclear Revolution and From Bandwagon to Balance-of-Power Politics: Structural Constraints and Politics in China, 1949-1978. He also regularly writes for top publications such as Journals International SecurityInternational OrganisationJournal of Strategic StudiesSecurity StudiesChina QuarterlyAsian SurveyComparative PoliticsOrbis and Polity. Avery Goldstein ranked third among the Top 10 "China Watchers" in the United States in the 2015 Evaluation Report on American China Experts released by the China Foreign Affairs University.

The Institute for China-U.S. People-to-People Exchange of Peking University is a research institution approved by the Ministry of Education and undertaken by Peking University. Relying on the profound cultural heritage of Peking University, it aims to promote people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States in the areas of academic research, scientific research cooperation and cultural exchanges, to enhance mutual trust and friendship at the non-governmental level, and to eliminate prejudices and misunderstandings, making positive contributions to the healthy development of relations between the two countries. Since its establishment in October 2011, the Institute has carried out cross-cultural and interdisciplinary research based on the cultural traditions of China and the United States, and has done a lot of work in organising scientific research, academic exchanges, press and publication, and policy consultation. Efforts are being made to build an academic centre for China-U.S. humanities and social sciences and scientific research exchanges. Meanwhile, it focuses on exchanges between the people of China and the United States, carries out multi-level and multi-dimensional dialogue, and has become an important platform for people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States.