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English Research Report Press Conference is Held by iGCU in the United States

April 19 , 2016 06:50 PM by iGCU

On April 19, 2016, the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) of Peking Universityand the renowned National Bureau of Asian Research(NBR) of the United States held a launch event in Washington DC, the U.S. capital, for the English research report U.S.-China Relations in Strategic Domains. The result of collaborative research between iGCU and NBR over one and a half year, the report is the culmination of wisdom from scholars in dozens of top research institutions and think tanks in China and the U.S.

With as editors-in-chief Wang Dong, Associate Professor of Peking University School of International Studies and iGCU Executive Director, and Travis Tanner, Senior Vice President of 100K Strong Foundation, the report is divided into 6 chapters, covering 6 strategic issues in China-U.S. relations including nuclear power, outer space, the internet, ocean affairs, bilateral military relations and people-to-people and cultural exchanges. The report generated tremendous response in the academic and policy communities in the U.S. and was acclaimed as research “with ground-breaking significance”.

American scholars participating in the research come from prestigious think tanks and research institutions in the U.S., such as National Bureau of Asian Research, 100K Strong Foundation and Council on Foreign Relations and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Chinese scholars involved are from such prominent educational institutions and think tanks as Peking University, China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), Academy of Military Sciences PLA China, China International and Strategic Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), China Institute of International Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.

The launch event started with an address each from Professor Jia Qingguo, Dean of Peking University School of International Studies and iGCU Executive Director, and Roy Kamphausen, Senior Vice President of National Bureau of Asian Research. Two panel discussions revolved around “Overall Background of China-US relations” and “China-U..S relations in international system and governance”. Participated by approximately 150 personages from the U.S. government as well as academic and policy communities, the event also attracted dozens of mainstream media from both China and the U.S. which made extensive coverage.

The report shows that research results from Chinese academia and think tanks are generating real significant effects on U.S. policy-making, which is a major breakthrough for China in building its voice on the international arena.