ZHU Feng: Pelosi's Visit to Taiwan: The U.S. Government Should not Play the Innocent

August 31 , 2022 03:36 PM by ZHU Feng

On August 6, the article by Prof. Zhu Feng (Executive Dean of the Institute of International Relations at Nanjing University and iGCU Academic Committee Member), "Pelosi's visit to Taiwan: The U.S. government should not play the innocent", was published in Guangming Daily.

Prof. Zhu stressed that the U.S. had explicitly declared in the Shanghai Communiqué (1972) that the U.S. acknowledged that "there's but one China & that Taiwan is part of China", and the One-China Principle has been the cornerstone of China-U.S. relations in the past decades. He further pointed out that ever since the Trump administration labelled China as the 'strategic competitor' of the U.S., the U.S. has adjusted its national security strategies, chipped away at its One-China Policy and kept using the 'Taiwan card' for containing China.

Prof. Zhu suggested that although the Biden administration distanced itself from Pelosi's decision to visit Taiwan, considering Biden's dropping approval rate and the Democratic Party facing defeat in midterms, the Biden administration was not that innocent after all.

To read the full article in English, please go to: