Feng Zhongping: Internal and External Factors Affecting China-EU Relations

August 08 , 2022 04:16 PM by Feng Zhongping

The article of Dr. Feng Zhongping (Director of the Institute of European Studies at CASS & iGCU Academic Committee Member), "Internal and external factors affecting China-EU relations", was published in China Int'l Strategy Review, July 2022.

In the article, Dr. Feng reviews the evolution of China-EU relations, elaborates EU's new perception of China, and evaluates the impact of "the U.S. factor" as well as "Central and Eastern Europe factor" in China-EU relations. He further points out one major feature of China-EU ties in the future is likely that as bilateral relations become increasingly important, their complexity will also become more prominent. "The complexity of the EU's China policy will constitute the biggest challenge to China-Europe relations in the future. Meanwhile, the bilateral relations will remain strong & resilient."

To read the full article (in English), please go to: