Prof. Jin Canrong Published an Article Discussing China's Role in Helping Saudi Arabia and Iran Reestablish Diplomatic Relations

March 28 , 2023 10:24 PM by Jin Canrong

On Mar. 13, Prof. Jin Canrong (Professor and Deputy Dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University; iGCU Academic Committee Member) published an article discussing China's role in helping Saudi Arabia and Iran reestablish diplomatic relations.

Prof. Jin reckons that Saudi Arabia and Iran's prerequisite to restoring diplomatic relations is their mutual willingness to cooperate. However, the leading role that China has played in brokering SaudiIran rapprochement has been remarkable indeed. In his article, he further discusses Chinese diplomacy in terms of China's relations with neighboring countries as well as China's influence in the Middle East, sharing his views on why China brokered the rapprochement instead of the U.S.

To read more about the article (in Chinese), please go to: