Prof. Lin Minwang : Modi’s Visit was a Hstoric and Transformative Moment for the India-U.S. Partnership

September 17 , 2023 10:49 PM by Lin Minwang

Prof. LINMinwang (ProfessorandDeputyDirectorof theCenter for South Asian Studies, Fudan University; Non-resident Fellow of iGCU) recently wrote an article about the visit of Indian Prime Minister Modi to the United States in June 2023 and its implications for India-U.S. relations and regional development.

Prof. Lin argues that Modi’s visit was a historic and transformative moment fortheIndia-U.S. partnership, asbothcountries announced comprehensive cooperation in various fields,includingdefense, technology, economy, and regional issues.

Inthe article,Prof. Linfirstliststhe challenges and uncertainties for the future of India-U.S. relations.Unfriendly voices against each otherexist within both countries. U.S. Democratic lawmakers, includingformer President Obama,havecriticized the Biden administration’s cooperation with India,alleging asacrifice ofvalues and human rights.Meanwhile,Indian think tanks often question the U.S.’s sincerity, opposing India’s strategic alignment with the U.S. Internationally, Russia expressed dissatisfaction with India’s relations with the U.S.,cautioningIndiaagainstany actions that mightharm Russia-India relations.

Prof. Linfurthersuggests that Modi’s visit was a dream come true for many Indian right-wing politicians. Also,the Biden Administrationhas high hopesfora closer #IndiaUSpartnership. However,different perceptions on the potential impact ofthe quick development ofIndia-U.S.tiesabound,specifically whether it wouldnegativelyimpactChina.Regarding China,Prof. Linnotes thatIndia has every right to pursue its national interests and make its foreign policy.However,India should not build its relations with the U.S. at the expense of China’s interests, andChina hopes the relevant countries can do more to enhance regional security and stability.

Quotingthe Chinese Foreign Ministry, “military cooperation between states should not undermine regional peace and stability, target any third party, or even harm the interests of any third party.”

Readthefull article in Chinese: