On the evening of April 20, 2018, co-sponsored by the Institute for China-US People-to-People Exchange and the American Studies Center of Peking University, a roundtable-themed Trump, American Power and World Order --- The Loss of International Legitimacy was held in C105 at the School of International Studies. This seminar is one of the high-end lecture series on people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States, and the heavyweight guest invited is David A. Lake, an outstanding professor of political science from the University of California, San Diego. Professor Lake is currently one of the top international political scholars in the United States. He served as President of the American Political Science Association, President of the International Studies Association, and co-editor of the journal International Organization. His main research fields are regional order, hierarchy in international relations, political economy and so on. He has published many works in these fields. Wang Yong, Professor of the Department of International Political Science of SIS, Ding Dou, Professor of the Department of International Political Science, Chen Shaofeng, Associate Professor of the Department of International Political Economics, and Jie Dalei, Associate Professor of the Department of International Political Science, were also invited to participate in the seminar as Chinese speakers. The roundtable was chaired by Associate Professor Wang Dong, Executive Deputy Director of the Institute for China-US People-to-People Exchange, Peking University, and Deputy Secretary-General of the American Studies Center, Peking University.
At the seminar, Professor Lake shared his views on the fundamental changes in today’s American economy and American leadership. Starting from “The World Order under the United States” after World War II, he introduced the allocation of assets and interests of the United States in specific regions of the world. According to his observation, what is different from the postwar pattern is that in today’s world, the common interests of Europe and the United States are drifting away, populism is rising on a large scale, inequality in the United States is also increasing, and the great changes that have taken place in China in the past two decades have caused a “China Shock” in the United States. Many unilateral actions of the United States under the Trump administration have caused the loss of its legitimacy in international politics and posed a great challenge to the current international order. The question that China should consider now is not “whether should come forward”, but “how does it come forward and take the lead”.
Speakers from China and the United States held in-depth discussions on the changes in China-US trade and the world power structure, and the positive questions raised by teachers, students and media friends at the scene were also answered in detail by Professor Lake. The atmosphere of the seminar was friendly and warm.
More than 30 spectators from the School of International Studies, Peking University,People’s Daily,China Youth Dailyand other organizations attended the seminar. The successful holding of this roundtable is aimed at promoting non-governmental academic exchanges between China and the United States and deepening teachers and students’ understanding and recognition of today’s world order and China-US relations.