On September 28th, 2020, hosted by the China Public Diplomacy Association and Nizami Ganjavi International Center, an international think tank, and undertaken by the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) of Peking University, Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies of the Renmin University of China, and huanqiu.com, the Lanting Forum was held in Beijing. Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Fukuda Yasuo, former Japanese Prime Minister, and Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, delivered speeches. Wu Hailong, President of the China Public Diplomacy Association, and Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, former President of the Republic of Latvia and Co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, presided over the opening ceremony. Nearly a hundred domestic and foreign scholars and experts, including Margaret Chan, former Director-General of WHO, attended the forum.
The forum was themed "International Order and Global Governance in the Post-Pandemic Era". The discussions were conducted both online and offline, and focused on topics including "Global Governance and Multilateralism", "Economic Recovery and International Cooperation", and "Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation".

Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister, attends the opening ceremony and delivers a keynote speech.
In his speech, Wang Yi pointed out that the world is facing another important historic moment after the Second World War. COVID-19 is still ravaging the world, unilateralism and hegemonism are gaining popularity, and protectionism is on the rise. What course will the world follow in the post-pandemic era? All countries must take this issue seriously, and we must do everything necessary to prevent ourselves from making the wrong decisions. Humanity will be reborn from the ashes of the fight against COVID-19, global governance will be upgraded and promoted after the crisis, and the international order will continue along the right track on the tide of the times.
After the opening ceremony, three parallel sessions were organized separately. The iGCU of Peking University undertook Subforum III: "Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation".

Subforum III: "Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation"

Speeches and discussions at Subforum III

Speeches and discussions at Subforum III
Wang Dong, Executive Director of the IGCU of Peking University, presided over Subforum III. Subforum III was attended by experts including Margaret Chan, former Director-General of WHO, Li Junru, former Vice President of the CPC Central Committee Party School, William C. Kirby, Professor of Harvard University, Liu Yawei, Director of the China Program of the Carter Center, Zhou Hong, Academic Member of the iGCU of Peking University, Member of the Academic Division of the China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Director of the International Studies Academic Division of CASS, Martin Jacques, Senior Researcher at Cambridge University and China Expert, and Yuri Tavrovsky, Director of the "Russian Dream and Chinese Dream" Research Center of the Russian Irboska Club. The participants held in-depth discussions on tackling the challenges to global public health posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and enhancing trans-regional and cross-border global medical governance, as well as coping with non-traditional security threats and promoting the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the development strategies of individual countries.

On behalf of the participating guests at Subforum III, Wang Dong delivers a report on the discussion
At the closing ceremony, Ismail Serageldin, former Vice President of the World Bank and Co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, and Wu Hailong, President of the China Public Diplomacy Association, made the concluding remarks.
On behalf of the participating guests at Subforum III, Wang Dong delivered a report on the discussion. He summarized the knowledge and insights of the guests, and shared at least four consensuses reached via the discussion. First, we must uphold multilateralism, maintain and strengthen the multilateral system with the UN at its core, and realize the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Second, facing the unprecedented challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, we must fully realize that promoting the realization of the UN's 2030 SDGs is a responsibility shared by all nations. Third, we need to learn from each other in a more open, inclusive and equal manner. China is very willing to share its experience in sustainable development and poverty reduction with other countries, and learn from the international community so as to meet challenges together. Fourth, the important speech made by President Xi Jinping at the United National General Assembly inspired an enthusiastic response and heated discussion. COVID-19 has once again highlighted the fact that human society is a community with a shared future. We must leave behind our small circles and zero-sum thinking, and respect each country's development mode and ideas. We need to unite all available powers, collaborate with an inclusive and open attitude, and jointly promote the realization of the UN’s 2030 SDGs through innovation, cooperation and the sharing of responsibility and development results, thereby contributing to the realization of a community of shared future for mankind.

The Lanting Forum
This Lanting Forum happened to coincide with the 75thanniversary of the establishment of the United Nations. Chinese and foreign politicians, experts and scholars were invited to the forum to conduct in-depth discussions on the international order and global governance in the post-pandemic era, and fully exchange views and suggestions. In the context of global governance facing severe challenges and human development facing threats, the iGCU of Peking University will continue to strengthen its academic research and people-to-people exchange, and build a consensus on promoting international cooperation and together confronting the crises and challenges that face humanity.
The Lanting Forum is a communication platform established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for domestic and foreign governments, enterprises, academic circles, media and the public. It aims to build a new channel for the discussion of issues of public concern such as China's foreign policy. The forum is so named because it is held in the “Blue Hall” (Lanting) in the south building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.