On Jan. 13, 2017, Forum on "China-U.S. Relations under the Trump Presidency" and Launch Event for "Report on U.S.-China Relations in Strategic Domains" took place in Peking University, hosted by Wang Dong, Associate Professor of Peking University School of International Studies and iGCU Executive Director. Present at the event were Professor Jia Qingguo, Dean of Peking University School of International Studies and iGCU Director, Roy Kamphausen, Senior Vice President of National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR), Robert Ross, Professor from Boston University Department of Political Science, and Ruan Zongze, Executive Vice President of China Institute of International Studies.

The event invited Chen Yonglong, Secretary-General of China-United States Exchange Foundation and Member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a keynote speaker. Participating experts and scholars believe, both China and the U.S. should first determine the common definitions and major variants in various domains. In such a context, the two sides could further discuss each other’s red line to manage crisis and avoid miscalculation. To resolve the sensitive issues in the strategic domains of the two countries, China and the U.S. should not only continue their dialogue, but also expand the Track 1.5 and Track 2 dialogues on these issues to help deliver information and guide the official process on the Track 1 level. Generally speaking, China-U.S. relations will continue to be both competitive and collaborative.

U.S.-China Relations in Strategic Domains was co-hosted by the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) of Peking University and National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) of the United States with the aim of helping decision-makers and strategists boost understanding of each other, avoid conflicts and promote collaboration. The report bears substantial significance for facilitating the establishment of a new model of major power relationship between China and the U.S..