On the morning of November 25, 2015, Ms. Yuan Ming, member of the Executive Board of theInstitute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (formerly known as Institute for China-US People-to-People Exchange)of Peking University, Vice President of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies of Peking University, Professor of the School of International Studies, and Chinese Director of the United Nations Foundation, met in Beijing with Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, winner of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize and Chairman of the Kofi Annan Foundation, as well as his party.
Professor Yuan Ming and Mr. Annan exchanged views on the situation in Syria, the European refugee crisis, great power relations, challenges of new technologies, youth power, etc. They both agreed that increasing intergenerational communication is of utmost importance for future social development.

Lamin Sise, Mr. Annan’s Senipr Advisor, Stephanie Lewis, Executive Director of Kofi Annan Foundation, as well as Sun Ying and Zhao Jianwei, Research Assistants of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies of Peking University, also attended the meeting.
Background information: Mr. Annan was the Joint Special Envoy of United Nations, League of Arab States on Syrian Crisis from February 23 to August 2, 2012.Annan put forward six proposals to solve the Syrian issue, including: promising to cooperate with Annan in the Syrian-led inclusive political process; requiring all parties to cease fighting and stop all forms of armed violence immediately and effectively under the supervision of the United Nations; taking immediate actions to realize a two-hour humanitarian ceasefire every day and coordinate the exact time and method of the daily ceasefire through effective mechanisms; accelerating the release of arbitrarily detained persons; ensuring journalists’ freedom of moving around Syria; respecting the legally guaranteed freedom of association and the right of peaceful demonstration.