From August 3rd to 6th, 2015, jointly organized by the School of International Studies of Peking University, Institute for China-US People-to-People Exchange of Peking University and Department of Political Science of the University of Chicago, the second session of the PKU-UChicago Summer Institute on IR Theory and Method was successfully held. Top scholars from these universities jointly taught at the UChicago Center in Beijing, bringing an academic “feast” of theories and methods in international relations to young students and scholars at home and abroad.
The summer program attracted more than 130 young scholars, masters, doctoral students and undergraduates from China, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Mexico, Thailand and other countries.Each class aroused active questions and positive thinking from the students.Many students said that one of the biggest gains of attending this summer program is to be able to engage in close academic exchange with top scholars in the field of international relations, and to gain an in-depth understanding of the logical and empirical importance of social science research in the exchange of ideas.
Through this summer program, the students broadened their horizons, deepened their understanding of the research methods of international relations, and laid a sound foundation for their further study and research in the future.The summer program is an important cooperative project between Peking University and the University of Chicago, as well as another successful example of China-US people-to-people exchange and educational cooperation. It helps to enhance China’s international voice and influence in the field of international relations research and humanities and social sciences.