Dario Mihelin, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the People’s Republic of China

August 01 , 2023 10:38 AM by ​Dario Mihelin

Dario Mihelin, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the People’s Republic of China

Good morning to all of you here. It’s much nicer to be inside today than outside in this hot summer and connecting to the topic that was just discussed, the whole element of climate change. I think it would be some of the factors very important for future development of smart cities as this global phenomenon is affecting our daily life and even urban planning and smart city development. I am invited to be here atPekingUniversity and to discuss the topic of international relations and regional integration. Coming from one of the European Union member states. I will certainly focus more in my interventions on the achievements of the European Union, which, as all you know, is the most advanced form of regional integration in the world. I will certainly delve well into details, into achievements and challenges later on. But allow me just mention briefly Croatia at this point. As just the last weekend, July the first marked the 10th anniversary of our EU membership. I can tell you from Croatia’s experience. This is a transformative experience. I see our Irish colleague here. I’m quite certain that you can join in the same assessment who joining this very special form of regional integration changes, really transforms your country in some better ways. Thank you!


1.Q: In the current context of globalization, how are international relations and regional integration interrelated and interact on each other? How do you assess the effectiveness and quality of regional integration in your country? What are the challenges and opportunities?

Amb.Dario Mihelin:Very interesting question. Let me start what I mentioned earlier and that the European Union really being a special form of regional integration in the world with a share transparent sovereignty cession in many areas, combining so many different parts of the European continent. Sometimes, when we read about that in Chinese and many other press around the world, many internal issues that sometimes create challenges in reaching decisions are often high highlighted and brought to the headlines. But in the end, this form of regional integration, comprising 27 different political situations at that moment (and) some cultural traditions, still yields great results. And I’ll give you three examples in this regard that have international effects or records by situation and the global world.

Let me start with pandemics. The European Union provided one of the most effective answers in supporting the development of the COVID vaccines and then distributing these vaccines around the world. That were effective; that were based on new technologies, on new methods. This was much easier than pulling the resources, organizing the procurement and then organizing the distribution of assistance around the world as a regional integration than an individual basis. Of course, this was further assisted by the individual efforts of some of the European Union membership. But the EU, as a form of regional integration, really pulled together in that moment. It is not only dealing with this part, touching on the problem here and supporting the overall situation. And we did with the adaptation or better to say providing the cushion for the economic impact of the pandemics with a special form of assistance going even deeper in the European integration.

So, about the process that professor mentioned first time issuing debts. That’s the European Union that what we thought was a huge issue by the same philosophical of nature throughout the history of the European Union. How do you approach this issue? Because there are countries, which were not that inclined to back this kind of the new financial mechanisms developed within the European Union, to support the situation that you’re faced with such crises that affect so many components of the society.

To come to a brighter future, I will remind you that for the this European Commission, the main thing and the main focus is on the sustainable development. What European Union is doing together in green development is adaptation to climate change, in providing solutions and assistance and being the leader in the field of decarbonization and green development around the world is widely recognized. Without the EU, the success at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh about the Loss and Damage facility would not be there.

So let me just stop here and this three examples that clearly show how effective then advanced form of regional integration can. Thank you!

2. Q: Is it true that under the influence of securitization of international systems, cities would present starkly different patterns of governance?

Let me share some thoughts. Particularly as in last few days, I participated in several conferences where this issue was raised, particularly regards the relation between European Union and China. I would just advise that you have a look at the last European Council conclusions that were adopted at the end of last week, which clearly stated (that) the European Union is not decoupling from China, but European Union is continuing doing business with China.

But certainly and unfortunately, I have to revisit the pandemic time again. What was shown in that period was the overall disappearance on global supply chains, particularly in shipping and logistics. That clearly demonstrated that you should possess in irrespective of all the economic calculus that was drawing globalization processes for decades. You (as a country) should be capable to address the needs of your population immediately with the personal protective equipment, with antibiotics, with machines, magnesium and some substances and issues like that. This is the main element of the risking process.

Now we’ve seen in the European Union and a number of fields, products, industries that are risking as it's seen and as it was proposed by Madam Ursula recently in her speech address. What I think becomes an issue is that now this concept is shared on both sides of the Atlantic. And as soon as this is shared on both sides of the authentic, it immediately is perceived in different respects here in China. But the European notion of the risking really touches upon these areas. Speaking openly, all the countries in the world are doing this. China has been doing that for a number of years. The whole concept of yours Dual Circulation is basically derisking and trying to become more self autonomous, more self-dependent and then less dependent on the world. So as professors, individuals are doing that. Countries are doing that.