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ZHU Xufeng

Dean of the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Director of the Think Tank Research Center, Tsinghua University

Research Areas:

Policy process theory; Think tanks and experts participate; Science and technology policy; Climate and environmental policies; Transformation and Public Governance

ZHU Xufeng, Ph.D. in Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University. He is currently a professor, doctoral supervisor, Associate Dean and Director of the Think Tank Research Center of the School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University, Executive Dean of the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University and Deputy Director of the Center for Science & Technology Development and Governance of Tsinghua University. He was selected for inclusion in the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, first batch of the National Top Young Talents Support Program (Ten Thousand Talents Plan), National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, Ministry of Education’s Outstanding Talents Support Program for the New Century, and Harvard University’s Yenching Scholars. In 2014, he was awarded the “China Management Youth Award”. His research interests include policy process theory, think tanks and expert participation, science and technology policy, climate and environmental policy, transformation and public governance. He was selected for inclusion in the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2016, National Outstanding Youth Science Fund in 2013, first batch of the National Top Young Talents Support Program in 2012, Ministry of Education’s Outstanding Talents Support Program for the New Century in 2008, and Harvard University’s Yenching Visiting Scholars Program (2008–2009). He was jointly awarded Best Comparative Policy Paper of 2012 by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and International Comparative Policy Analysis-Forum (ICPA-Forum).

Personal column

  • Zhu Xufeng: 2024 China-US Geopolitical and Technological Competition

    Will the China-U.S. geopolitical and technological competition come to an end in 2024, after an extended period of containment by the United States since the Donald Trump administration? While a turning point might be anticipated, the answer might not be obvious.Stephan Ezell, a geotech expert an...