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President hails Russia-China association for boosting bonds

June 08 , 2023 04:13 PM by Mo Jingxi

President Xi Jinping has sent a congratulatory message to the Russia-China Friendship Association on its 65th anniversary, expressing his hope that it will carry forward its fine traditions and play a bigger role in promoting people-to-people bonds between the two countries.

In his message dated Oct 29, Xi said that since its founding 65 years ago, the association has made important contributions to enhancing mutual understanding, friendship and mutual trust between the peoples of the two countries as well as consolidating public support for friendly bilateral relations.

Xi said that the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era is currently maintaining a momentum of high-level development, with ever-deepening exchanges and cooperation in various fields as well as friendship between the peoples of the two countries.

The cause of China-Russia people-to-people friendship enjoys broad prospects and great potential for future development, he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also sent congratulations to the association on Saturday.