Professor of Beijing Normal University
Researcher at the Belt and Road Research Institute of Beijing Normal University

Research Areas:

Macroeconomic research; financial strategy



WAN Zhe, female, holds a Ph.D. in Economics. She is a professor and researcher at the Belt and Road School, Beijing Normal University. Former senior economist, Chief Economist of China National Gold Group Corporation. She has achieved a lot in financial strategy, commodity price, international situation, outward investment, market strategy research, and other fields. She is one of the major authors of National Financial Policies and Finance and National Security. She mainly studies national and international economic trends and has hundreds of papers published by Liaowang Institute of the Xinhua News Agency, China Financial Weekly, and other national media, as well as internet media such as The Paper. Besides, she is the Principal Investigator of Wanli Think Tank, the Chief Economist of International Cooperation Center of National Development and Reform Commission, the Standing Director of China Urban Financial Society, and a member of the Academic Committee of Pangoal Institution.



  • WAN Zhe

    WAN Zhe, female, holds a Ph.D. in Economics. She is a professor and researcher at the Belt and Road School, Beijing Normal University. Former senior economist, Chief Economist of China National Gold Group Corporation. She has achieved a lot in financial strategy, commodity price, international s...