ZHANG Zhongxiang

Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor in the Ma Yinchu School of Economics, Tianjin University
Director of China Academy of Energy, Environmental and Industrial Economics

Research Areas:

Energy economics and policy; climate change economics and policy; energy resources and environmental taxes; environment and international trade; innovation and economic growth; economic models; industrial policy

ZHANG Zhongxiang


ZHANG Zhongxiang, male, Han Ethnicity, born in Shanxi Province in 1963, obtained his PhD in Economics at Wageningen University. He serves as the Dean of Ma Yinchu School of Economics of Tianjin University, distinguished professor and Dean of Department of Public Economics of School of Economics of Fudan University, distinguished expert of Thousand Talents Program, distinguished professor of Institute of Science and Technology Policy and Management of Chinese Academy of Sciences, adjunct senior researcher of East-West Center, adjunct professor of Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Department of Economics of University of Hawaii. ZHANG was once invited to be the expert by institutions and organizations including United Nations (UN) Conference on Trade and Development, UN Development Programme and Environment Programme, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, European Commission, etc. He also works as a member of the Editorial Boards of nine international academic journals and anonymous reviewer of other 30 international academic journals and presses including the Oxford University Press.



  • ZHANG Zhongxiang

    ZHANG Zhongxiang, male, Han Ethnicity, born in Shanxi Province in 1963, obtained his PhD in Economics at Wageningen University. He serves as the Dean of Ma Yinchu School of Economics of Tianjin University, distinguished professor and Dean of Department of Public Economics of School of Economics o...