Nabil Fahmy: Former Foreign Minister of Egypt (2)

Welcometo the iGCU Podcast Special Edition!

In October this year,we are honored to have invited Ambassador Nabil Fahmy, former Foreign Minister of Egypt and Visiting Senior Fellow of iGCU, to sit for an exclusive interview with us, sharing his views on the Belt and Road Initiative, and China’s Global Development Initiative (GDI).

In today’s episode, you will be listening to the Part Two of iGCU’s Exclusive Interview with Ambassador Fahmy.

During the interview, Ambassador Fahmy talked about the closer ties between the Chinese and Egyptian people under the influence of the BRI, and further proposed feasible ways to strengthen cultural and people-to-people exchanges,and facilitate mutual understanding among civilizations.

Ambassador Fahmy also reckons that it is always important not only to understand what others think, but also why and how others think.

Let’s come check it out what Ambassador Fahmy has said during the interview!

What you were listening to was the Part TWO of iGCU’s Exclusive Interview with Ambassador Nabil Fahmy,former Foreign Minister of Egypt and Visiting Senior Fellow of iGCU. Thank you for listening and please stay tuned formore of our podcast episodes!

Nabil Fahmy: Former Foreign Minister of Egypt .mp3