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Prof. Wu Xinbo:How would China-U.S. relations develop in the short run?

February 27 , 2024 02:35 PM by

How would China-U.S.relations develop in the short run? Would the current tension further escalate or finally start to thaw?Check out the views of Prof. WuXinbo!

Last October, Prof. Wu Xinbo attended the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Association of Asia-Pacific Studies, and delivered a speech on the probable development of China-U.S. relations in the short run.

He first identified new trends emerging in China-U.S.relations after May 2023, including intensified high-level engagements between both countries and the establishment of new dialogue mechanisms. He then provided an analysis of the underlying factors that could explain the emergence of those trends and summarized that there is a practical and mutual need for both China and the U.S. to improve their bilateral relations.However, Prof. Wu also noted that instead of saying bilateral relations are improving, it would be more appropriate to say that the current tensions between China and the U.S. are easing off. As the 2024 U.S. presidential election is approaching, Prof. Wu reckons that the Biden administration would prioritize stability in China-U.S. relations over a significantly improved relationship. Prof. Wu stated that the development of bilateral ties would largely hinge on the actions of the Biden Admin. in 2024, suggesting it may toughen towards China to win the election.

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